Sunday, September 26, 2010

一周月纪念日 PART 1

总是想着方法把自己的记忆有条理的呈现出来,可是看来我不能。唯有选择point form 咯。在一周月纪念日的前几天,发生的令lilove很沮丧很不开心的事。

星期一,我傻傻的lilove赶着来找我,把钥匙留在房间就出来了。结果就完蛋了啊。心情低落,我看到都心疼了。我不会安慰人,所以看着伤心的lilove我只能用可有可无的语言鼓励安慰。那种有心无力的感觉还真的不是好受的哦。好在, 我的lilove是一个坚强的人,大概一个小时后,原来的她回来啦。她觉得她自己浪费钱了,也觉得自己很笨,配不上我。听到这个,我连忙用自己以前的丑事来安慰她。怎知我朋友告诉我那是徒劳无功的。结果,lilove用了她RM40解决了那个问题。也因为她用了这笔钱,我拥有了送她纪念礼物的机会。哈哈。

星期三,纪念日前夕及中秋节当天,我载我的宝宝回家的路上她把手机给跌在了马路旁。那天是一个下雨的傍晚。冒着绵绵细雨,我和宝宝沿路出发寻找手机。强忍着腹痛,我也要陪lilove找手机。回到学校,探索马路边缘都没有叻。我的强忍最后还是难敌腹痛,我输了。后来的事不用说大家都应该很明白吧。= = 眼看她的担心及忧虑,我很懊恼为什么现在的我还是那么脆弱及没有能力。如果我有能力,我就可以直接买回一架电话送给她。那天我就答应自己我要在未来给好的生活她了。只要她肯陪我走,她就是最幸福的。最后,手机还是被好心人拾了起来再物归原主。完璧归赵就做不到了,因为电话已很不幸的进了水及被车辗过了。幸好,电话还可以操作。


Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Place I Need To Show My Love

18 years old, what a sad age. Don't have freedom, don't have economy independence, and don't have anything. -- Jack2wai

But, luckily, I found you, Lilove. Life and love, in Utar. Sacrificing my scholarship is meaningful. At least now I got you and almost got a 4-flat in Utar 1st sem final examination. Life is always meaningful and unpredictable right?

The aim of writing this blog is give me a platform to record down my life and love. Love, an essential part part of my life. Love is not the whole of my life, but it can make my life whole. Lilove, you are so important to me, and I won't give you up as hard as I can.

Everything involves trade-off right? The 1st part of my life was a success to be viewed in some perspective. ''A''-s are my life, but they do not mean such an importance to me. I never failed in any examination. But, I did always fail in my relationship. I could smell the happiness of having relationship because the emergence of Lilove into my life. Lilove, I do care you like myself. Yesterday was the red letter day of all May Intake Foundation Students in uTAR. I checked my result, then I was happy. But, after checking Lilove's results, I was lifted to the peak of the happiness. Logically, I should be more happy about my results but I was not. Unexplainable case. Lilove told me that she felt the pressure to be with me because of my achievement, but I wanted to tell her, THEY ARE ALL NOTHING. I need your love, not your anything else. To give you a comfortable and stable life in the future, I have to work hard. I want to sustain your life in the future, just like what your love sustains my life do.

Lilove, I am so sorry for not accompanying you sometimes. Words can't express my sorry to you. I want to seek for the forgiveness more. Luckily, you always forgive me and always there to support me. Thank you and sorry Lilove. To achieve the dreamt future, I need to give up some time with you and work hard lonely. I am willing to work hard for you, Lilove. Forever love means forever, my dear. Thanks for your kindness and patience to forgive me. I know how you feel. You might got dissapointed sometimes, but I couldn't help it. Lilove, you always understand me. You didn't angry me for long.